Eco Art Session 8/12/17

Soaking up the morning glow/ fog

Soaking up the morning glow/ fog

Destiny focusing on getting her purple hat skies just right

Destiny focusing on getting her purple hat skies just right

UGH the 6th and final eco art session really snuck up fast! We decided to schedule it at McKittrick again because it had been such a success the week before. Unfortunately NO ONE SHOWED UP! :( NOT A SINGLE PERSON! But I guess that's the name of the game sometimes... A few visitors passed by but no one wanted to paint. Kind of a blow for my last day of official volunteering, but luckily Destiny was there to keep the spirit alive! We made the most of the situation and each got to finish our own paintings while embracing the beautiful glow of the canyon. Up at the VC the weather was CRAZY cloudy, but only a few miles down the road the skies were blue and brilliant, perfect weather for some art-making. 

As you can see, Destiny was continuing her amazing painted hat project! She ended up painting some little mermaids in there to enjoy the lagoon she created. I was happy to get to finish my boot painting too! 

Around 3:00PM we decided to pick up and check out Ship on the Desert nearby, which I had never been to! Wallace Pratt built this structure for his family back in the 1940s but it has since been converted into a research station. It's called "Ship on the Desert" because it kind of looks like an oil rigger in the middle of the Texas desert. It was cool to see but kind of creeeeeepy due to it being somewhat abandoned AND in the middle of nowhere. Before visiting this time I had only seen it from the top of the Permian Reef trail looking down towards El Cap. Despite its haunted vibe, it offered a beautiful new perspective of the park that I was so glad to share with Destiny! 


Devil's Boot


The Final Week