Recycled Landscapes

I have been contemplating my relationship with art and the large amount of waste it can produce. I wanted to find ways I can validate art and its important purpose by working with recycled materials found in National Parks and other protected landscape environments. With 2016 having been the 100th anniversary of the National Park Service, I have especially appreciated, and been inspired by, the natural beauty that the parks offer, and found how easily we can take these precious places for granted. For each National Park I visit, I pick up as much trash as I can, sculpt it into a canvas, and paint the scene where the trash originated onto the trash itself. So far I have collected trash from Acadia, Rocky Mountain, Arches, Zion, Grand Canyon, Joshua Tree, Pinnacles, Channel Islands, Sequoia, Kings Canyon, Saguaro, Guadalupe Mountains, Carlsbad Caverns, Big Bend, Petrified Forest, Yosemite, Denali, Kenai Fjords, Bryce, Olympic, Badlands, Teddy Roosevelt, and Voyageurs National Parks. Refer to the "Blog" page to see the process behind the art.


Public Art

