Artist Statement
Mariah Reading is an eco-artist from Bangor, ME. Througthout her travels to native lands, Reading creates impressionist paintings on trash in order to depict the harms of pollution and climate change.
Featured Projects
Muck Boot for Luke Bryan
Having already collaborated with Muck Boot, when Luke Bryan released his single “Mind of a Country Boy” and mentioned Muck Boots, the company reached out to me to design and paint a pair as a thank you.
Maine Island Trail Association
Over the summer of 2022 and into 2023 I collaborated with MITA to create an exhibit featuring art on marine debris found littering the Gulf of Maine.
Supporting Superior
In 2022, Isle Royale National Park received a grant from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association to create an exhibit based on marine debris found in Lake Superior. Over the course of two years, I was commissioned to create that exhibit.
Subaru: The Road To Creativity - Cleaning Up The World With Art
Subaru’s second branded story collaboration with the Washington Post Brand Studio and Subaru.
This story profiles eco-artist and die-hard Mainer Mariah Reading.
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Vinyl state-shaped stickers now available!