Artist Statement

Mariah Reading is an eco-artist from Bangor, ME. Througthout her travels to native lands, Reading creates impressionist paintings on trash in order to depict the harms of pollution and climate change.

Featured Projects

  • Muck Boot for Luke Bryan

    Having already collaborated with Muck Boot, when Luke Bryan released his single “Mind of a Country Boy” and mentioned Muck Boots, the company reached out to me to design and paint a pair as a thank you.

  • Maine Island Trail Association

    Over the summer of 2022 and into 2023 I collaborated with MITA to create an exhibit featuring art on marine debris found littering the Gulf of Maine.

  • Supporting Superior

    In 2022, Isle Royale National Park received a grant from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association to create an exhibit based on marine debris found in Lake Superior. Over the course of two years, I was commissioned to create that exhibit.

Subaru: The Road To Creativity - Cleaning Up The World With Art

Subaru’s second branded story collaboration with the Washington Post Brand Studio and Subaru.
This story profiles eco-artist and die-hard Mainer Mariah Reading.

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Vinyl state-shaped stickers now available!

Mariah Reading is an eco-artist and strong advocate for the existence, preservation, and accessibility of public lands.

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